We are concerned that the requirements of the new Planning and Design Codes will not provide the stormwater, environmental and water efficiency outcomes that the people of South Australia need. This could result in increased flooding risks, insurance costs, environmental damage and less water security in South Australia. Further research has found the cost of replacement stormwater infrastructure in Adelaide could be $1.5B by 2030.
The Minister for Planning has also advised that installing rainwater tanks prior to occupation of the house would ‘likely cause substantial implications to current home building practices where these works would need to form part of building contracts, increasing the upfront cost of housing and delaying completion time’. This appears to mean that it would be easier for the builder to leave putting a rainwater tank to the homeowner after they move in. We are concerned this will cause much higher costs for homeowners and councils to install and implement rainwater tanks.
View the Letter To The Ministers by clicking the link below